Before Meeting With Us
- Make a written list of questions that you have and state clearly what you would like to accomplish from our meeting.
- Gather all documentation relevant to your case, including all immigration related documents, photocopy them if possible, and bring them to our meeting (see list of documents under the type of case you are enquiring about).
- Whenever possible, fill out our intake form [1]. Leave blank any area you are not sure how to answer or have questions and bring it to our meeting.
During Our Meeting
- Disclose ALL information you have and know about your case. Do not be afraid or feel embarrassed about anything. This is key for us to establish the best strategy to approach your case, and to be able to give you a realistic estimate in terms of the duration, cost and possible end results of the case. Any information not disclosed at the beginning of the case can have a negative effect on it, as our strategy would be based on erroneous or incomplete information.
- Let the attorney know if you don’t understand any terms or points in your discussion. Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
- Make sure that before you leave our meeting, you have an understanding of the following:
- What are the steps involved in your case
- What is the estimated duration and costs involved in your case
- What are the potential difficulties and complications with your case
- What can you do to help speed things up and reduce the costs of your case
- How will the communication be conducted throughout the duration of your case – Our communication policy [2].
After We Begin Working Together
- Make sure you update us on any changes in your contact or employment information.
- Keep your own file with all the documentation we send you throughout the duration of your case.
- Communicate with us if you have any questions at any point during the process. Do not elicit legal information form others even though they may be going through a similar process to yours. Every case is in essence different, and even if they weren’t, there are other factors that affect it such as the time in which the case started, the evidence, and the processes and people who are working on your case on the other end (i.e. The US Immigration Service officers, The US Immigration Service processing centers, District Attorneys, etc.) Therefore, results on cases cannot be generalized by type of case.