December 10, 2019
Most people understand that a conviction in a criminal case will have a substantial impact on their immigration status, but very few realize that even just a criminal charge may have an impact on an immigrant as significant as if they were convicted. Below are some examples. A Criminal Case which is not a Problem...
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November 26, 2019
Please submit your vote by December 17, 2019 The finalist organizations for our end of year donation are: Kids in Need of Defense Promotes a world in which children´s rights and well-being are protected as they migrate alone in search of safety; by providing legal representation and advancing laws and policies that protects them. ACLU...
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October 24, 2019
Dear friends, Unfortunately it is now well known, that this administration is fraught with corruption, lies and racism, and that it poses severe challenges for immigrants and their families. Yet it is difficult to complain if we do not exercise our right to vote. As voting is a right reserved only for U.S. citizens, it...
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September 20, 2019
Dear friends, In our practice it is generally important to review the past history of a case in order to establish the best strategy to move forward. Many times our clients do not have copies of past immigration applications they have filed or others have filed on their behalf. When having access to this information...
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September 18, 2019
Dear friends, Although August has been reported as the month with the most car accidents in the U.S., snow is the cause of nearly 20% of all weather related accidents. Careful driving in the winter is essential. If, however, you have the unfortunate experience of being involved in a car accident, there are some important...
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August 23, 2019
Dear friends, To be eligible for asylum in the U.S., a person must prove that they are part of a special group in their country and that they have been persecuted in the past or that they have a reasonable fear that they will be persecuted in the future because of their membership in...
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May 21, 2019
Dear friends, A Real Immigration Crisis has been created and worsened by the Trump Administration. While Trump’s “Crisis Proclamations” in November and February were not credible or accurate, a true humanitarian crisis has been created by his administration and will be worsened by the implementation of his recent orders. On April 16, 2019, Trump’s Attorney...
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January 29, 2019
We would like to share some economic studies reports about Immigration and the impact on the United States’ Economy: The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy – by the Center for Latin American Studies Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, Fall 2013 – learn the Economic Benefits of Immigration by Giovanni Peri
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January 29, 2019
Dear friends: Trump said that he was going to build a wall, and most of us thought him incapable of doing so. He has distracted us with his statements about steel slates on our Southern border so we did not know that the wall is already being built right before our eyes. A wall separates...
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November 19, 2018
Please submit your vote by December 14, 2018 Vote Here Now
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October 2, 2018
Dear friends: Probably you have heard how U.S. citizens or permanent residents, might petition for immediate family members through family residency petitions and marriage residency petitions. But an immigrant may also be petitioned by an employer through an employment residency petition and in the current economic climate, where the U.S. is experiencing record low unemployment...
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